Estee Chaikin

Sharing the new currency of meaning

Hi there, thanks you for stopping by. I love designing new services and disruptive business models. Originally from the USA, I am currently living in Amsterdam.

Is it really about understanding evolution?

Well what does it mean to be a customer experience enthusiast? I was challenged recently to think a bit deeper about the reason why I am interested in people and what motivates them, which could also be potentially the reason I have moved across the world, have a Norwegian husband, and work across cultures – currently for a Chinese company helping a Scandinavian brand.

Yes – our desires and fears are all born out of our origin. Then those that influence our surroundings are the same influencers that can limit our beliefs. But to let you in on something fairly evident – motivations, desires, fears are pretty much all the same across the world no matter where you come from.

And perhaps – the question anyone working the world to study people should answer is why is this interesting to them? Why is it my purpose to understand people? No matter how you look at it, people who are interested in people (customers) have a similar make-up.  They really like to peel back the layers of what makes us all the way we are as we still continue to evolve. There are many outside influencers in different parts of the world that change our behaviour.

On that note, evolution is a customer experience enthusiast’s start to creating something extraordinary. Study it, question it, and understand outside influences/trends then it will give you the power to fix and make people and the world even better.  That’s the most exciting challenge!

The most evident thing that

The Archive

  1. 2020August
  2. 40 most relevant life learnings
  3. January
  4. My learnings in 2019: Time to create a more impactful road ahead
  5. 2019April
  6. When passion meets purpose: How my professional leaps got me to where I am today
  7. 2018February
  8. The hidden talent of a global citizen: Cultural intelligence
  9. 2016December
  10. Yes, yes, yes.
  11. June
  12. Smart Citizenship challenge
  13. May
  14. Lost in translation..perhaps?
  15. April
  16. The future human
  17. January
  18. Big.Energy.Data.Marriage
  19. 2015December
  20. Eye spy…the wanderlust trend
  21. May
  22. THE Biggest Barrier
  23. January
  24. Luffa: On the Sustainability Materials Radar
  25. 2014June
  26. Is it really about understanding evolution?

  27. Making solar mainstream
  28. March
  29. Earth Hour…say what?
  30. Recipe for Driving Sustainable Behaviour Change
  31. Turn the page
  32. 2013October
  33. London Sustainability Jam…nearly 1 month away
  34. August
  35. Proud to be 33!
  36. April
  37. Get up and create something
  38. March
  39. London Service Jam …what makes it special?
  40. January
  41. The future…
  42. Sharing is caring…right?
  43. 6 daily rules to reach your potential
  44. 2012December
  45. Our next raison d’etre…
  46. October
  47. When do you invent?
  48. July
  49. The importance of connection
  50. May
  51. What’s your little red paperclip?
  52. February
  53. The future of community energy
  54. January
  55. Iteration is a Lifestyle
  56. Believe in the drift
  57. Trend-oids
  58. 2012 Vow: Live in the ‘Wow’
  59. 2011September
  60. Lisa Frost.
  61. August
  62. The “Me-Too” Attitude
  63. May
  64. Intro to Paris: For newbie’s
  65. An idea…
  66. February
  67. Random acts of Thank You…like ya mean it!
  68. 2010December
  69. Time to put up and shut up. Bring it, 2011
  70. November
  71. Creating Change…
  72. Air BnB at Startup School
  73. October
  74. Work: A new found freedom
  75. January
  76. Free Events in London. Bliss.
  77. 2009December
  78. Get Excited and Make Things
  79. Internet Stats Galore – Just one Day
  80. November
  81. Giving Thanks Tribute
  82. Let’s combine global tastes for COP15
  83. Future of Green
  84. October
  85. 365 Ways to Change the World – Post for 31 October
  86. For all confused on the term social business and sustainability
  87. August
  88. Yes Please. Me likes these.
  89. July
  90. Co-Creation of Value = Necessary Change
  91. Interested in starting social change?
  92. June
  93. The Becoming of a Design Society: A New American Renaissance
  94. Best in Show – KitKatt Nohr Photo Competition
  95. May
  96. Great Solution for Closed Loop Recycling
  97. Re-think Play
  98. March
  99. Simple
  100. February
  101. MakeMeSustainable
  102. January
  103. Personal Dream Box
  104. 2008December
  105. Dream Box
  106. September
  107. Fresh ideas. Welcome.